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Turboflame Military GX7R

  • Review
Turboflame Military GX7R

The Turboflame military is a good size at around 7.8cm x 3cm and weighs in at about 85g; to put that in perspective an iPhone 6 weighs around 130g.

The lighter features a detachable cap connected to the unit via a small metal chain. Obviously this is to stop grit/dust getting into the working parts and probably there to stop you burning yourself after using the lighter as well! There is also a flame lock function for when you need a continuous burn.

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On the outside, the GX7R is constructed from a metal alloy and feels very robust. It is covered in a grippy rubberised coating and is available in green, black or grey. Inside it features a single jet capable of 1300 degrees Celsius. The jet is clean burning and therefore does not leave any carbon residue.

The design and features of the GX7R essentially allow you to use the lighter in windy/wet conditions, at all angles without the flame bending. It functions reliably at altitudes of up to 9800ft with a continuous burn time of 17 minutes (or 850 short ignitions). And that 1300 degree flame can be used to seal cracks in canoes, seal para cord or remove rust from metal!

PRICE: £7.99
CONTACT: 0161 434 6197 www.turboflame.co.uk

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