Gerber centre-Drive Multi-tool
- By Chris Parkin
- Last updated: 25/10/2017
Call me a bit of a boy scout and forgive the spelling but I seem to be a traveller who certainly likes to be prepared and when it comes to the emergency kit; this new Center-Drive Multi Tool from Gerber has immediately drawn my interest. With all the usual suspects of 16 accessories of primary and secondary priority, a full external locking blade advertised to be 30% longer than the competitors with thumb support is always one of the first tools to be used daily. A second serrated edge knife folds within the handle, alongside a saw and file and various smaller tools include an awl, Philips and flat screwdrivers next to “Cat’s Paw Pry Bar”. Given that pliers and cutters ae also a regularly required item, and especially if required rather urgently with one hand, I loved the fact the pliers rapidly flick/slide out from the inner workings of the handles, which then automatically spring apart, rather than folding open to work the leverage. This makes them almost instant to access with long needle noses to grip and manipulate the smallest, most delicate parts with excellent dexterity.
Gerber offer a lifetime warranty with the Center-Drive, which gives great confidence when coupled alongside “Made in the USA”, it’s virtually an invitation to attempt, and fail to break, the tool. The pliers have inner carbide teeth on the wire cutters that appear far more appropriate to a mainstream tool rather than just a backup accessory. They can be rotated to offer any of three cutting surfaces and made light work of the 3- and 4mm galvanised fencing wire I use day in day out to hang steel targets on the range.
The main attraction of the Gerber Center-Drive Multi Tool to me was its headline feature, a standard ¼-inch bit holder mounted on the mid axis for all those nuts, bolts, Allen & Torx fittings on a modern rifle, as well as the regular flat blade and Philips/Posi drive screws we find day to day. Although these need to be added by you to the tool, it means you can customise what you carry precisely to your needs. Center-Drive had no issue withstanding the day to day 5/6Nm I apply to Picatinny rails or action screws of a rifle with T25 and T30 Torx bits but it also means I can fit smaller 1-1.5- or 2mm bits on the end of the extension bar, either longitudinally or folded to swap any parts I need in the field, or make adjustments to things like scope turrets with their tiny internal grub screw fixtures.
There is only space for one bit permanently in the extension, with a second folded into the handle but it’s no great hassle to carry what you need elsewhere. A nylon pouch is supplied to mount the Gerber to your belt and I have adopted this tool for my everyday carry item because of the extra versatility if offers me as a rifle nut.
Needle nose Pliers, Magnetic ¼-inch Bit Driver, Serrated Blade, Awl, Wire Strippers, Ruler (Stamped into handle) Flathead Bit, Dual-Mount Sheath, Regular Pliers, Fine Edge Blade, Cat’s Paw Pry Bar, Rotatable Carbide Wire Cutters, File, Phillips Bit, Bottle Opener
Gather together your 10 most indispensable ¼-inch bits to cover all emergency rifle needs and carry the Center-Drive tool to drive them along with all your other everyday multi tool requirements, it’s a win-win!