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Mechanix Original® 0.5mm Covert Tactical Glove

  • Review
Mechanix Original® 0.5mm Covert Tactical Glove

If you are a regular reader of my reviews then you’ll know that I’m very partial to gloves from the Mechanix Wear tactical range; and it’s always good to see an upgrade of an already tried- and-tested model which breathes new life into it. The ‘Original’ glove is one that we have used for some time, and it’s a solid performer in all ways, at a reasonable price.

Many of us now have to make use not only of firearms or replicas but of technology as well; manipulating cameras, laptops, tablets, comms and telephones is part of the daily routine, and Mechanix have obviously taken this trend on board with their latest take on the Original.

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The Original 0.5mm High Dexterity Covert Tactical Glove makes use of thinner and lighter palms and fingers for the perfect blend of precision and protection. The glove features a form-fitting finger design to reduce material bunching and improve feel for smooth weapon manipulation and overall control in the field or at the range. Breathable TrekDry® material form-fits the hand for a second-skin fit and a nylon cord loop beneath each wrist makes for convenient storage. There’s also a neat little ID patch on the Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) wrist closure so that you can easily mark the gloves as yours.

Very Handy

As with all Mechanix gloves these are light, form fitting and comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Initially I was a little concerned that the use of a lighter, thinner fabric would have an effect on the durability of the gloves, but after two months of heavy use, and a couple of machine washes, they are standing up very well. My existing pair of Originals with the heavier material have been going for over a year now, and it’s going to be interesting to see how the Covert Tacticals shape up in the long run.

All I can tell you right now is that if you need to be working with small parts or controls then for just £22.99 the Original 0.5mm High Dexterity really should be. Thanks go to UK distributor www.tactical-kit. co.uk for kindly supplying the test sample.

  • Mechanix Original® 0.5mm Covert Tactical Glove - image {image:count}

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  • Mechanix Original® 0.5mm Covert Tactical Glove - image {image:count}

    click on image to enlarge


  • Contact: www.mechanix.eu