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Rock Island December Auction 2019

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Rock Island December Auction 2019

As the year nears its conclusion, Rock Island Auction Company is preparing to go out on a high note with our final auction of 2019, December 6-8th. Continuing to exceed expectations with our sales, we are offering astounding embellished and historically important Colt and Winchester firearms along with numerous other remarkable firearms.

We are presenting an array of historic and high conditioned Colt revolvers. Perhaps the most anticipated of all is the historic Gustave Young master engraved and inscribed Colt Model 1860 Army presented to notable Union Major General George McClellan. Other stunning Colt firearms include a fresh-to-market two digit serialized Model 1911 pistol documented to Adjutant General of the Army Lutz Wahl, and an extremely rare Paterson Model 1839 percussion carbine presented to the Company of Carbineers Sergeant Henry Clark. Beyond these examples, the auction has many gorgeously embellished wellconditioned Single Action Army and Bisley revolvers often with special order features.

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All this and a Model 1874 Gatling gun for good measure. With hundreds of Colt firearms in our catalog, you will be sure to find at least one for your collection. Even a precursory glance at December’s Colt offerings will have you planning your trip to attend the auction in person.

Rifle through rifles

Winchester firearm enthusiasts will be pleased to see the truly unique collection of rifles in this sale. From special order, embellished, deluxe rifles to delicately gold inlaid masterpieces, the Winchesters in this sale are certain to impress. Highlights include an exhibition quality Winchester Model 1866 lever action rifle engraved and signed by master engraver Thomas F. O’Connell, as well as a French cased Winchester Model 1886 Fancy sporting rifle, platinum inlaid and factory engraved by renowned master John Ulrich. Both are factory exhibition arms showcasing a level of excellence far above others of their kind. That can be said about a good number of the Winchester rifles in this auction. An astounding number of deluxe, special order rifles are available this Premier Auction. If you have been looking for a high condition, special order Winchester, this is the sale for you.

And more…

Beyond the vast collection of Colt and Winchester firearms coming up for bid this December, we are also offering hundreds of guns from other famed manufacturers such as phenomenal collections of Smith & Wesson revolvers and Marlin long guns. The military arms and militaria will also be generously represented, containing the heavy firepower of field guns plus numerous small arms from a wide assortment of nations, both World Wars, and beyond. The experimental, the revered, the rare, and the high condition will all have a place this December. rockislandauction.com

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