The Western Front
- Last updated: 20/08/2021
During WWI, the Western Front stretched from the Belgian coast on the North Sea and ended at the Swiss border, a distance of almost 500 miles. During the course of the war, the armies of several nations fought along this network of trenches. The history has been told many times, but for a new generation, it has to be retold by a new generation of historians. This is the first work in what is promised to be a trilogy of WWI and will ultimately interest new readers. This volume covers 1914-1918, which in itself is undertaking a masterly task. For the new generation the names of people and places, as well as battles, will become familiar as they read more about a conflict which, until WWII, did more to shape Europe than any other war. This interesting work introduces the new readers to the decision-makers on both sides and the outcomes of their successes and failures.
The Western Front
Nick Lloyd
Penguin Viking, London