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Highlander Solid Fuel Hand Warmer

  • Last updated: 08/05/2024
  • Review
Highlander Solid Fuel Hand Warmer

Although a lot of hand warmers are now powered by rechargeable batteries, you can still get an ‘old school’ solid fuel version from Highlander.

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The big advantage of this type of hand warmer is that you can just keep replacing the charcoal fuel sticks and not have to worry about finding a power supply to recharge it. This means that if you are outdoors for an extended period, you can keep your hands warm indefinitely. Each stick will burn for up to six hours and they generate a good level of warmth.

Once lit, a fuel stick is placed inside the warmer case, which is then fastened closed. Heat is generated almost immediately and the strong and compact case fits into any pocket, where you can then wrap your hand around it comfortably. You can also tuck it inside your glove if it is a loose enough fit.

This great little item works very well and certainly keeps your hands warm. Even after burning for six hours, there is residual warmth for another hour or so, and a new stick can be lit and inserted in minutes. The charcoal is relatively cheap and, being totally independent from any external power supply, it is ideal for long periods away from the convenience of electricity.

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  • Highlander Solid Fuel Hand Warmer - image {image:count}

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  • Highlander Solid Fuel Hand Warmer - image {image:count}

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  • Name: : Highlander Solid Fuel Hand Warmer
  • Price: : £5.49 (Charcoal sticks £2.99 / 12 pack)
  • Contact:: Highlander - www.highlanderforces.com