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Jack Pyke Hide Poles & Nets

  • Review
Jack Pyke Hide Poles & Nets

Jack Pyke supply hide pole sets and a relatively good range of camo nets. Though mainly designed for the shotgunner we can all benefit from this sort of concealment system. Termed Super Hide Poles I was told they had been re-designed. They come as a set of four in a nylon carry bag in English Oak or Woodland camo with an adjustable shoulder strap, reinforced base and a fold over flap with quick release buckle fastener. Total weight is just 3.5kg!


The 2-piece steel poles are green and coated with a rust-preventative and telescopic with a minimum height of 38” extending to a maximum of 73”; excluding the 8 ½” twin ground spikes. Locking is done by integral thumb screws with net hooks on top. JP use a ‘stayrite foot bar’, with a slimmer spike doglegging off the main one that spaces them 5 ½” apart, that can also be used as a kick plate for inserting into the ground.

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Looking Out

As for nets, I favour their green Lightweight Hide Net, being strong, tear-proof and approximately 20% lighter than most other designs. Visually this looks like army scrim with a die-cut pattern on a synthetic material. However, the Clearview Hide Net is brilliant. From the outside it looks like normal JP camo (English Oak or English Woodland), but inside its near 100% see-through, so affording a good view of your quarry. On its own it would also make some great ready use cover for rifle and airgun hunters too! To aid this Jack Pyke also sells this in linear meter lengths too, which is a great idea!

For: Good hide building system
Against: Not a lot
Verdict: Practical poles and some clever netting

Super Hide Poles with Carry Bag £45
Lightweight Hide Net £28.95 (2.7 X 2.4m)
Clearview Hide Net £33.50 (4 X 1.5m)
Clearview also available by the linear metre £7.75

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