Armox 500T target
- Last updated: 19/12/2016
Whilst air weapon shooters tend to be able to reuse their targets time and again, it’s generally a one-off deal for centrefire users, especially large calibre shooters. Well, things have changed courtesy of the Armox 500T Centrefire Field Target, a piece of American metal you can launch virtually any calibre at and you hardly even scratch it, let alone make a dent in it. Reason being Armox 500 is the steel they use to armour plate tanks and the Presidential limos.
Conceived and manufactured by Geoff Bullock of Liquid Steel Designs, the actual target is laser-cut from Armox 500T steel, conventional cutting equipment and drills unable to make the slightest impression. The benefit is that customers can specify any thickness they want up to 2-inches. Each individual target plate is cut to size and then covered with either Hard Hat industrial coating or high temperature Cerakote, and by arrangement, target plates can be any shape or colour you want it to be.
Along with the target, Geoff also supplies a 16mm mild steel bar frame from which to suspend the target plate. Cold galvanized with, once again, the industrial strength Hard Hat matt protective coating, the support frame comes complete with heavy duty 10mm shackles and a heavyduty cast pivot point ground spike. This means the frame and target can be easily and safely positioned in any suitable location, whilst the attachment of the plate ensures that any ricochets are instantly and safely angled downwards. And should this frame not be to your liking, a basic ground stand or two-leg Sheppard’s Crook variations are available.
Alternatively, by using just the shackles and plate on their own, the target can be quickly and easily suspended from a bar, broom handle or similar independent mount. But whichever system you opt for, the end and very impressive result is exactly the same, irrespective of bullet type. Having used the target seen here and an identical Armox 500T a few months ago, apart from the initial ‘clang’ and gentle rocking as the plate returns to its vertical position, even a 375H&H leaves little signs on the Hard Hat covered plate apart from a slight mark, but none on the Cerakote. I also have it on extremely good authority that .50 cal at a 1000-yards has the same lack of effect, apart from making the target plate swing about a bit more when it’s hit.
As a method of recording your actual bullet placement, sticking a paper target onto the target plate will let you highlight the actual point of impact. But apart from that, by matching target size to range distance, something long-range shooters are always keen to do, the immediate visual and audible strike confirmation rules out any misunderstandings or controversies. If the plate’s swinging then you hit it, the benefit being you can hit the Armox 500T as often as you want, for as long as you want and it won’t make any difference to the target.
Comprising the ground peg stand, shackles and one 10mm thick, 150mm x 150mm Armox 500T target plate, the complete target as tested will set you back £80, this smaller size is representative of the kill area on a roe deer. Usually yellow or black, colours that suit bright or overcast conditions, extra plates are £40 each or £50 if Cerakote finished, whilst all stands are £40 each. Prices climb depending on what you want but the 1000-yard black circular plate target and matching stand cost a very reasonable £160, reasonable since you’ll never be able to destroy it!
Each target is made to order, so there’s a two-week span between placing an order and the Armox 500T being delivered to your door. A genuinely impressive piece of kit, once you’ve tried an Armox 500T Centrefire Target you’ll be of the exact same mind.