The author is best known for his historical novels, especially the gripping Sharpe series, and this, his first factual historical work, reads as well as any of his novels.
continue reading >The title of this work is something of a misnomer because it gives the impression that...
continue reading >This interesting, if somewhat slim volume, goes some way to explaining the otherwise often overlooked part...
continue reading >There was hardly a community which was not affected by the loss of local men who...
continue reading >No cowboy film would be complete without the Winchester, indeed there were even films titled after...
continue reading >When America joined the Allies in fighting Germany in 1917, it came as a great relief...
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If you want to know how many Victoria Crosses were awarded during WW II and who won them or which was the largest warship then this is the book for you.
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More and more women are participating in re-enactment events in a more pro-active way than ever before. They have moved away from playing a passive supporting role and have gone on to establish themselves as an essential element within a group.
continue reading >The German army in WWII continues to be a fascinating subject, as shown in this latest...
continue reading >More than 75 years since the end of WWII and the names of companies such as...
continue reading >The format of a book containing an anthology of soldiers’ experiences from WWII is nothing new...
continue reading >The theme of the Women’s Land Army in WWII has become a very popular subject with...
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