Derek Landers takes a look at an Italian reproduction of one of his favourite percussion revolvers, the Colt New Model Belt Pistol, better known as the Model 1861 Navy
continue reading >Derek Landers takes the time to look at a Pietta Colt Paterson Revolver
continue reading >Derek Landers takes a quick look at some Pietta percussion revolvers specifically aimed at those who favoured the Confederate side during the American Civil War
continue reading >Derek Landers re-visits an attractive reproduction of a Confederate revolver from Pietta
continue reading >Derek Landers opens a time capsule that illustrates the Swiss attitude towards military rifles and home defence…
continue reading >Derek Landers takes a look at a very nice reproduction pistol from Uberti
continue reading >The first really successful lever-action repeating rifle, the Henry was to become the father of the Winchester line of lever guns. Derek Landers gives Uberti’s recreation of this legend the once over…
continue reading >Derek Landers introduces us to one of Winchester’s lever action rifles, in the shape of a Uberti reproduction of a Model 1866 carbine…
continue reading >Derek Landers takes look at a Uberti recreation of the Model 1873, this time in a diminutive calibre
continue reading >The name Winchester has become a generic term for lever action rifles, but they also competed with the likes of Sharps and Remington. DEREK LANDERS looks at Uberti’s recreation of the 1885…
continue reading >Derek Landers revisits Uberti’s reproductions of the Winchester 1885, this time with the Low Wall version in the classic .44-40 calibre
continue reading >Derek Landers looks at a Baby Rolling Block rifle from Uberti…
continue reading >DEREK LANDERS takes a look at an Italian small-bore reproduction of one of the classic American single shot rifles of the 19th Century…
continue reading >Derek Landers meets up with a recreation of an old friend, in the shape of a Uberti reproduction of one of Colt’s finest percussion revolvers…
continue reading >Derek Landers gets his hands on a reproduction of the Colt Pocket Navy revolver from Uberti of Italy
continue reading >Graham Allen straps on a six-shooter in the shape of the Uberti Colt Single Action Army, but don’t worry, he’s only firing blanks!
continue reading >Derek Landers looks at a reproduction of the massive Colt Walker revolver from Uberti of Italy…
continue reading >Derek Landers revisits the mammoth Uberti Colt Walker revolver
continue reading >DEREK LANDERS reaches for his favourite lever-action, the Henry as recreated by Uberti…
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