Derek Landers takes a look at a reproduction from Uberti of the Model 1866
continue reading >Derek Landers continues his exploration of Uberti’s historic links
continue reading >Derek Landers explorers the Uberti Remington New Model Army Revolver
continue reading >An unusual offering from the Italian company of Uberti comes under the scrutiny of DEREK LANDERS, the Siber pistol…
continue reading >Uberti are known for their accurate replicas of historic firearms; so, DEREK LANDERS was very keen to assess the rather unusual ‘Silverboy’…
continue reading >Derek Landers takes a look at an Italian reproduction of the hybrid revolver that was produced in the first Colt ‘factory’, the Whitneyville Dragoon…
continue reading >DEREK LANDERS takes an Uberti replica of the Winchester 1866 to the range and comes away impressed…
continue reading >Pete Moore goes a bit cowboy, with one of Uberti’s classic lever-action creations
continue reading >Derek Landers takes a look at the big brother of one of his favourite rifles and the best way to feed it…
continue reading >Derek Landers takes a look at a deluxe version of one of the most popular reproduction rifles from the Uberti stable – the Winchester model 1873…
continue reading >Derek Landers gets reacquainted with Winchester’s 1873 lever action rifle…
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