Webley &Scott Web-Tac Metal-Force
- Last updated: 21/09/2018
Oh, no, not another foreign shotgun! Well, not quite! Okay, it’s built overseas, but Webley and Scott have had a lot to do with this particular box fed shotgun! So, what have we got here then exactly? Well, the Web- Tac Metal-Force is a semi auto, gas operated shotgun, dressed up in some AR-style clothes. It takes high-capacity, detachable magazines, thus making it a Section One firearm. It is quite similar to the Typhoon Defence Industries F12 in looks but not so much feel, as I’ll explain shortly.
The AR style stock is all polymer and seems very tough; length of pull adjustment is via a pretty standard lever, which only gives about two-inches in adjustment unfortunately but this, to be fair, is my only gripe with the Web-Tac! There is a loop to throw on a sling at the bottom of the stock, should you want one and the recoil pad is rubberised with what seems to be decent soft rubber, which has horizontal grooves to give grip in the shoulder. The cheekpiece has loads of height adjustment via a thumb screw, should you need it and it is ambidextrous; in fact, the whole gun is pretty much ambidextrous. (just like to throw the ambidextrous thing into the mix, with me being a lefty, but of course it annoys the Editor, which is an addedbonus!) Moving along the fake buffer tube, there is a doublesided single point harness loop, which is a nice feature.
The pistol grip is AR in style and is rubberised with finger grooves and looks and feels just right for this shotgun and I personally wouldn’t swap it out, even though it’s possible to fit all sorts of options. The receiver is made from aircraft grade aluminium and unlike a ‘conventional’ AR platform, you can’t break open the upper from the lower by just pulling a pin out; you have to go in through the buffer tube and undo a screw if you really want to strip this shotgun down but for general cleaning and maintenance all you have to do is undo the take down cap at the end of the forend and then pull the gun apart as you would a conventional gas-operated shotgun.
The controls are pretty much AR-like in design and where they are located. The safety catch is a manual typical AR15 style and on this particular gun I think a better one is needed. It’s not the design or the location but the actual lever itself, as it doesn’t feel great and to be honest I found it pretty slippy, as there is no grip on it; myself, I would swap it out for an aftermarket version. The bolt hold open and release on the left-hand side of the Web-Tac is nice and big and is slightly rounded to aid fast reloads. It is also ambidextrous (YEAH!) with a smaller lever that lifts up and down. Below that is where the magazine button is located again, it’s nice and big and easy to get at. In my testing, I found that when I needed to dump an empty magazine, all I had to do was hit that mag release and the gun would literally spit it out! So, in a nutshell, the mags drop free easily.
Interestingly, I own a Typhoon F12 shotgun, which is a very popular ‘box-fed’ on the 3Gun scene and those magazines fit the Web Tac. Also, it’s worth noting that this shotgun does not have last shot bolt hold open on its own mags; whereas when I stuck an F12 mag in, the bolt locked open on the mag after the last shot! Hmmm, interesting but the F12 mags do not drop free and are a little tight. The Web-Tac’s own magazines are good though and seem very well constructed from steel, with a polymer ‘skin’. My only gripe with them is the fact that there are no holes in the side, where you can see how many rounds are loaded. Apart from that though, they are good and seat in the mag well nice and solidly with no wobble; I discovered that with my scientific ‘shake’test! The magazine well itself is somewhat skeletonised, which not only looks cool but also helps shed a little bit of weight. The charging handle of the Web-Tac is nothing too exciting, but it does what it needs to; a bigger one would be better.
Now, I really like the forend on this gun, it’s fairly slim and has ‘fish gills’ running along the top, which I guess helps to ventilate the barrel and keep it cool when you are burning through those 10-round mags! The forend is bigger than that of the Typhoon F12 because the Web-Tac has its gas piston underneath the barrel like a conventional auto, whereas the Typhoon has its around the barrel. At the end, there are some Picatinny rails in the 3, 6 and 9 o’clock positions and the take down is located at the end of this. Talking of rails, there is a lot on top of this shotgun; in fact, the full-length of the action. Sights are standard, which is great and they are not bad either, as I used them to place slugs on one of my gongs at 80 or so yards! The rear is fully adjustable and you can choose between notch style or a small diopter. The front is an M16 style ‘A-frame’ post.
The barrel is 24-inches to comply with UK law and is threaded for chokes, which are supplied (four in total) plus a door buster style muzzle break that really finishes off this beast nicely!
Down-range, I had zero issues whilst testing this shotgun, even though I must have put through around 400 rounds of bird, buck and slug. It’s worth noting that I didn’t use anything lower than 32-gram cartridges, because in my experience, light loads tend to make a gun of this type choke up and have feed issues. With decent ammo, it ran flawlessly.
So, all in all, this new kid on the block is a serious contender in the box-fed shotgun market and I would happily put it up against my Typhoon F12! Oh, and there is a .410 version available too!