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Operation Market Garden

  • Review
Operation Market Garden

It is perhaps by no coincidence that this book should be published in time to mark the 75th anniversary of one of the most famous Airborne Operations of all time. Many books and documentaries have been produced on the men and events connected with the operation and the outcome is well known. With a wealth of over 500 photographs, modern and historical, specially-commissioned maps, this book looks at the battleground from the air as well as the perspective of the soldier on the ground. Mightily impressive, it explains many things in detail and answers the questions which have never been properly answered, such as what happened during the river crossing of the Wall by the 3/504PIR of the 82nd Airborne Division. If visiting Arnhem and the surrounding areas of Operation Market Garden, make sure that you read this first and take it with you.


Simon Forty & Tom Timmermans


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Casemate Publishers, Oxford





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