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Napier Power Hunter Pellets

  • Review
Napier Power Hunter Pellets

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The Napier Power Hunter pellets are a typical dome head pellet (not to be confused with the Power UPH Pellets. UPH denoting ‘Ultima Power Hunter.’), are available in both popular calibres of .177 and .22. With a standard head size of 4.5mm and 5.5mm and weighing in at 7.72g and 15.42g respectively, this puts the pellets in the mid-weight category, which are favoured by many airgun hunters. They come in stylish ‘screw top’ tins, which are pre-treated with exactly the correct dose of Napier Power Pellet Lube at the final stage of packaging, ensuring that they don’t oxidise during storage and can be used with confidence ‘straight from the box’, so to speak, with no need for ‘pre-use’ preparation. Napier also check the pellets to ensure that they’re all graded to exacting standards of weight, head, waist and skirt size.

When these pellets were first launched, I very much ‘missed the boat’ on even trying them; so, in that respect for me they were an unknown quantity. However, I’m pleased to report that these German manufactured pellets didn’t disappoint. On close inspection, they’re obviously very well made and come from a very high-quality die. Fired from springer or PCP, they’re highly accurate and I that found they suited all magazine systems I tried them in (which was a lot) So, if you’re the type of shooter who always looks to try all ‘quality’ brands of ammo available, to see if they suit your rifle for optimum performance in the field, then I highly recommend you check them out.

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  • Napier Power Hunter Pellets - image {image:count}

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  • Name: Napier Power Hunter Pellets
  • Price: £9.36 .177 calibre in tins of 500. £7.85 .22 calibre in tins of 250
  • Contact: Napier of London. napieruk.com