Stichfrei (Stingfree) Bottle and Wipes
- Last updated: 11/11/2016
Manufactured in Germany by those wonderful people from Ballistol, of Universal Oil fame, one application protects the wearer for up to eight hours from gnats, all varieties of stinging and biting insects along with those rarely encountered tsetse flies that is, unless you’re heading down the Zambezi.
Absolutely harmless to humans since its made from a variety of plant oils and does not contain Deet. Not only does Stichfrei actually smell rather pleasant, it also provides an added protective layer to the skin since it contains a UV-B filter. It also helps in staving off dehydration in addition to having passed numerous dermatological requirements. Tested in the depths of Brazilian jungles, the sub – tropical zones of Australia and the gnat ridden forests of Finland, all I can say is that it certainly works it magic here in the UK, every Stichfrei applied outing is a positive pleasure which is more than I can say for my fellow stalkers.
Available in a variety of sizes from 50ml to 500ml, the popular 100ml pump spray cost just £5.77 while a box of 10 wipes is £4.58 (inc. VAT).