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Whitby Multi Purpose Knife

  • Review
Whitby Multi Purpose Knife

Although ‘multi-tools’ are now the most popular general-purpose takealong tool, they are usually bulky and heavy, so a lighter alternative can be just the job sometimes. This is where the ‘Swiss army knife’ type tool comes in, being that much smaller and lighter.

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Whitby & Co are producing their own version of the Swiss Army-style tool with some very useful features. The tool on test is very well made, and all of the tools easy to open. The main blade is nice and sharp and the teeth on the saw-blade are very aggressive, helping to make short work of small bits of timber. For some reason, they have included a corkscrew, something that seems to appear on most knives of this type but is probably never actually used. Unusually, they have included a fork, which means you can open a tin of food using the tin-opener and eat it with this tool, without using your fingers! It also includes some scissors, a reamer and a flat head screwdriver.

Overall, this is a great knife, very compact, easy to carry and well made. It is much cheaper than the leading brands, and with really useful features, this is a great little carry for when a multi-tool is too much.

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  • Name: Whitby Olive Wood Multi-Purpose Folding Knife
  • Overall Length: 21.4cm
  • Blade: 2.76” non-locking stainless steel
  • Scales: Olive Wood
  • Tools: Blade, tin-opener, corkscrew, reamer, fork, scissors, flat screwdriver, saw
  • Price: £59.95
  • Contact: Whitby & Co. - www.whitbyandco.co.uk