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Britains Airborne Forces of WWII

Britains Airborne Forces of WWII

This book, written by a former serving member of the Parachute Regiment, will be well received by collectors whose interests lay in wartime British airborne militaria. Military enthusiasts with other interests will find it equally fascinating, especially re-enactors depicting airborne units during WWII, with all the photographs to use as points of reference. The author has used an extensive range of items in his personal collection as the basis for many of the photographs, to demonstrate to collectors what can be achieved. To amass something approaching this level, though, takes a lot of time and dedication. This is a book that uses photographs and captions, rather than the text, to tell the history, and the formula works extremely well in this case.


Britain’s Airborne Forces of WWII


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Mark Magreehan


Frontline Books, Barnsley, West Yorkshire





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