Before the main beach landing came ashore on D-Day, the British and US airborne divisions were...
continue reading >When Field Marshal Sir Garnet Wolseley died in 1913, after giving almost 50-years of service to...
continue reading >The story of the deployment of the British Expeditionary Force to France in 1939 is well...
continue reading >It is a timely coincidence that this excellent book should be released again, this is its...
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This work is the first title by the newly-formed publishing company of Military Mode
continue reading >There are many books on the SOE, its members and the operations they undertook, and to...
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Visiting battlefields has never been more popular than it is at present. The numbers of visitors to battlefields always increase during a special anniversary and this year it is 600 years since the English victory over the French at Agincourt. One might think there is little left to see which is connected to the campaign after such a long time, but this work proves just how wrong one can be. Castles and other buildings still remain to be seen and, of course, the battlefields themselves, most of which are farmland today.
continue reading >Airborne forces continue to fascinate enthusiasts interested in all aspects of military operations, from collectors to...
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When a book has almost twelve full pages of reference sources in its bibliography index then one knows it is a work which has been meticulously researched.
continue reading >There have been many books written about a whole raft of subjects relating to WWI, but...
continue reading >Much has been written about the Normandy campaign in 1944, but authors still manage to find...
continue reading >Books on tanks always attract a reader’s interest because you never know what may be contained...
continue reading >This is another one of those books which came about quite by chance when a stash...
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Interest in American tanks and other vehicles used in WWII is second only to the German Army of the same period.
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When an author has a deep interest in his subject then any work produced will be well researched and presented in the best possible way.
continue reading >When we think of animals during WWII we tend to think of the obvious, such as...
continue reading >There is a male generation of a ‘certain age’, which, as young boys, grew up watching...
continue reading >There have been many books written on this subject, but few can compare to the quality...
continue reading >When it comes to armoured warfare in WWII we tend to think of the German Blitzkrieg...
continue reading >The subject of this highly illustrated book is one of those rare engagements from WWII, an...
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