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AGS Cobalt Scope

  • Review
AGS Cobalt Scope

Highland Outdoors has recently re-launched their original AGS (AirgunSport) Cobalt range of optics, complete with a slight re-design as well as giving them the company’s VMX (Value Max) denotation. At present there’s seemingly only a 2 X 20 pistol scope, a 3 – 9 X 40 and a higher spec’ 6 – 24 X 50IR – the latter having an illuminated ‘Half-Mil-Dot’ reticule and a side-parallax adjuster. As I only have a brief description of the specifications of the latter I can only fully detail the scope that came in for test – the 3 – 9 X 40.


Measuring 12.5” this particular optic is fitted with a standard Mil-Dot’ configured reticule set in the 2nd focul plane plus comes pre-fitted with a pair of single strap 11mm mounts and flip up lens covers. Built around a one-inch black anodised aluminium body tube, the lenses are treated with what the company term ‘AGS Clear Coating’, the ‘bar-assist’ finger adjustable 1⁄4” MOA turret adjusters are low in profile and have screw on/off cover caps.

At the eye-bell this general specification optic features the rather ‘old school’ design adjustable ocular with lock ring – nothing wrong with that as once set to suit your particular eyesight and locked in place - it isn’t going to move. The zoom ring has an easy-grip ridged outer and operates smoothly – useful in cold weather or if wearing gloves.


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The capped turret adjusters operate positively and gives six full rotations of travel with 60 clicks per turn. Once I’d set a zero on this pre- parallaxed 35yd optic it didn’t deviate from the set aim point. The Mil-Dot ‘style’ reticule on this (and pistol scope) model is seen as four dots sat astride the central crosshairs. In use they prove quite useful as both for ‘bracketing’ a target and as ‘reference’ points for when you need to allow for hold under/over or windage off set.

The coating on the optics is seen outwardly as a slight blue tint (hence the Cobalt denotation), which certainly helps reduce glare under front-lit conditions. The lenses transfer a clear and bright image to the very edges of the sight picture.

Prices: from £52.99
Contact: Highland Outdoors 0845 099 0252 www.highland outdoors.co.uk

FOR: Positive turret adjusters, smooth operating zoom ring, useful reticule and good lens quality
AGAINST: Not a lot
VERDICT: A good quality optic that will suit airgunners on a tight budget


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