Buffalo Rifle Gun cabinet
- Last updated: 15/12/2016
Unpalatable as it may be, as airgunners we might have to come to terms with firearms-like security for our guns. If so the Buffalo River airgun cabinet is one solution. There are two options - the 5-gun Deluxe (on test) with shelf and 3-gun without. One glance of the glossy full colour instructions with diagrams and I started to warm to the unit, checking all components where there, including the main metal ‘security’ parts of back, left side, right side, door frame, door, cabinet top, bottom and shelf I also checked the gauge thickness of steel used including locking mechanism.
5 Minute Job
The minimum thickness is 1/8” gauge steel plate; the locking mechanism is clever and substantial. It’s only when you begin putting one together and check over the parts you start to realise the claims on the packaging aren’t over inflated and it only takes five minutes to assemble. No major tools required except a medium crosshead screwdriver and it’s lightweight and therefore easy to transport even when built.
The sides and front without door slide together along channels, one part sliding into the next to obscure any weak points which could be jemmied. If you opt for the 5-gun version, then the upper shelf for magazines and such like offers even more rigidity. It also comes with a rear metal bracket and foam rack divider the rifles lean against, bottom hinge pin for the door.
No Tardis
Externally it measures 59” high X 10 ¾” wide X 9 7/8. Internally it’s 49 ½” high (unless you don’t fit the shelf), X 10 ½” wide X 8 ¼” deep. At this point you realise it won’t hold deep stocked air rifles with medium to large scopes due to the lack of depth. I only got three of my rifles in width-wise, but the door would not shut due to the butt sticking out. Slim, open sighted or low mounted scoped springers and some ‘slim’ PCP’s it will hold. Trust me to have to relay this crucial information.
However, if you own a few springers this cabinet is fine for most, but even the largest model is not able to secure the more popular modern day air rifles. Of course this is easily remedied, make the panels larger. In its British Racing Green livery, it looks kinda cool and it’s a viable solution to certain airgunners requirements.
Name: Buffalo River Airgun Cabinet
Price: SRP£104.99 (SRP£94.99 for the 3-rifle option)
Contact: Highland Outdoors, 0845 099 0252 for nearest stockists