CENS Windshields
- Last updated: 15/12/2016
Developed from the ear warmers worn by skiers, CENS Windshields not only keep the wearer’s ears nice and warm; they more or less eliminate all wind noise whilst enhancing your acoustic sensitivity. Manufactured from soft polyester fl eece, each little fi lter comes with a sprung wire frame that locks each individual windshield fi rmly yet gently around each ear. Designed to work in conjunction with any of CENS Digital’s ear protection, whilst the annoying sound of wind from a gentle breeze to a full force ten is rendered almost inaudible, the plugs themselves still ensure the hunter’s senses remain at the fullest, the sound of a pheasant beating its wings or a roe deer snapping an unseen twig instantly brought to the shooter’s attention.
The washable, dark green Windshields are just £12-99p per pair. If you buy yourself a pair of CENS Hunters ear protectors you get a pair of Windshields in with the deal. But whichever CENS Digital you wear, the Windshields have no effect whatsoever on the plug’s sensitivity. You could even go as so far as to wear them on their own or in place of pulling your collar up or wearing a wooly hat. For more details on the CENS Windshields along with the full range of CENS Profl ex Digital electronic hearing protection visit www. censdigital.com or give them a call on 01634 719427.