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Crosman Rifle Bag

  • Review
Crosman Rifle Bag

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Once you’ve purchased some quality kit, the very next item on the list must be some sort of protective gun case to carry it in. In many situations, the same case is also used to store the gun at home, as well as transit duties, to and from shooting venues. In this scenario, heavy, hard cases can be overkill, whilst a more manageable ‘easy carry’ style of bag, is far more the ticket. Crosman are well known for their extensive range of airgun products, but tucked away in the catalogue, is also a rather nice case, that is just about ideal for general purpose use. Admittedly, it’s a bit on the lairy side, with bright red sections, and the famous Crosman logo screaming out from the side, but look closer, and it also comes brimming with useful features.

Constructed from highly durable Dernier Cordura style material, this rifle bag is clearly made to last; and with sizeable dimensions of 48- x 11.5-inches, most rifle/scope combinations should sink inside, with space to spare. There’s a chunky, twoway zip that runs end to end, and three large cargo pockets, including extensive webbing loops across one entire side, so there’s plenty of space for accessories. There’s a removable back strap, and the carry handles come together in a padded tube. Throw in a cosy, padded interior, and your treasured kit should be in good hands.

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  • Crosman Rifle Bag - image {image:count}

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  • Price: £39
  • Contact: Anglo Spanish Imports. a-s-i.co.uk