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Niggeloh Neoprene Ruck Sling

  • Review
Niggeloh Neoprene Ruck Sling

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Despite what you might think, a rifle without a sling does not allow the shooter to perform at 100% ability. These days, this very important accessory offers a host of variations and options, from a simple leather or canvas strap, all the way up to tactically-oriented designs in hi-tech materials. One of the larger proponents of this field, is Niggeloh of Germany, who offer both standard and some highly innovative options. A case in point is their Neoprene Ruck-Sling (Rifle) model # 313906. The name says it all, as opposed to a single strap that only allows one shoulder support, this one is configured like a rucksack harness, which allows the rifle to be carried, muzzle-up in the middle of the back, so leaving both hands free, which is an advantage for carrying out a deer, or simply for longer walks when the rifle is not required. The straps use QD clips on their lower, adjustable ends and are Neoprene-lined for good shoulder adhesion. Both ends feature a strap and buckle for fixing to either fixed or QD sling swivels and Niggeloh includes two rubber bumper pads that stops the swivels banging into the stock and making noise when it does.

A Velcro-closed security strap is also included that further adds to stability, as it can be wrapped around the pistol grip. In use, the system works well and can also be used in the standard (single shoulder) manner too.

  • Niggeloh Neoprene Ruck Sling - image {image:count}

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  • Price: £44.95
  • Contact: Bushwear; bushwear.co.uk