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Sportsman gun centre luggage

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Sportsman gun centre luggage

With various legislation coming into place along with law enforcement ‘preferring’ that shooters transport their shotguns in hard, lockable cases, now could well be the time to consider getting yourself a couple of top-quality items from Sportsman Gun Centre’s extensive collection of Guardian luggage. A range of shooting and shooter’s luggage that combines good looks, exceptional construction, along with old fashioned values that’s been designed and sawn together to last for years. The Canterbury Motor Shotgun Case and Heritage Shotgun Slip provide a perfect and elegant solution to traveling to and around your pheasant shoot.


Canterbury Motor Shotgun Case

As stylish a piece of upmarket luggage as you’re likely to see, the Canterbury Motor Shotgun Case adds elegance to any shooter’s weekend away. Constructed from thick, dark tan leather around a solid, robust frame, heavy contrasting stitching and corner reinforcement give the case a stout countenance, whilst a strong brass combination lock and two additional straps and brass buckles keep the case firmly closed. Measuring 830mm long, 125mm wide and 195mm in depth, the box design sees the internal measurements exactly 10mm less in all directions. Inside, the pre-formed maroon baize lined interior can accommodate barrels up to 31 inch in length, irrespective of whether your shotgun is a side-by-side, over-under or gauge, with more than sufficient space to accommodate cleaning accessories and other paraphernalia. A piece of kit that beholds you to travel with a quality shotgun, the Canterbury case is one of those items that actually adds to your enjoyment and is an item of luggage you want your friends to see and admire.

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Heritage Shotgun Slip

Exactly one-metre in length, the Heritage Shotgun Slip follows the traditional format of slips of old. A combination of thick, honey coloured canvas, with contrasting tan leather edging, boxed leather muzzle sock, sliding handle, brass buckles and rings plus a strong nylon zip, the Heritage is a slip that stands out for all the right reasons.

Lined in dense white fleece, with canvas and leather stock heal pocket, traveling from stand to stand means whilst you might be subjected to the rain and wind, your shotgun will be snug, warm and dry. Like all of the Guardian range, quality will out, which means this shotgun slip will probably outlast you; everything about it is made to last and withstand anything you or a day’s shooting can throw at it. What’s more, it’ll look better with age, something few if any shooters can ever lay claim to.



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