SMK Target Selection
- Last updated: 14/12/2016
Sportsmarketing is an astonishing operation. Based in Colchester, the sheer size of their warehouse is testament to the success of the business, and the fact that they are clearly doing something right. Supplying products that satisfy demand is their stock in trade, and that covers a comprehensive array of hardware for the airgun shooter.
Having recently taken delivery of a consignment of their target related products, I couldn’t fail to be impressed. All shooters need targets on which to hone their skills - or to just shoot at for the sheer pleasure. SMK’s offerings span all the usual airgun fair, and really are keenly priced.
Paper Punching
Whether setting up a scope, or just having an informal practise session with friends, paper targets are invaluable, and SMK certainly have these covered. They offer three main designs - the classic red, white and blue concentric rings, a ten metre design (with one multi coloured roundel), and the curiously named ‘Offical 25ft Airgun Target’... far eastern spelling mistakes aside, I’m not sure what discipline is shot over 25ft. Leaving this also aside (as who really cares), these targets certainly represent astonishing value for money. All three designs are sold in either 14cm or 17cm format, with the first two available in packs of either 100 or 300; equating to less than two pence a card in the case of the latter quantity!
The time-honoured knockdown animal silhouette box target is also available, offering 4 ducks, bison or such like as steel silhouettes, with two either side of a central disc, set into a heavy gauge steel box, some16.75 inches wide. Hit each of the outer four targets and they fall and remain down (held by a magnetic strip). Then take out the centre disc, and all four silhouette targets spring back into view. Pellets are collected within the frame, with the only down side being a slightly noisy action… but undeniably great fun.
The Training Knock and Reset Target is a great design for practise sessions, and is available with a variety of front plates; namely crow, squirrel, pigeon, and rat. Again fashioned from robust steel, once the top kill zone in the body has been downed, a direct hit to the bottom disc will reset the top disc. These targets are simply pushed into grass via their large spike.
A variety of steel target holder boxes are also available, including the classic Trumpet style, which collects all the spent lead into a receptacle at the rear. Another variation includes adjustable side bars that receive different sized paper targets. The resettable duck target is a neat little design, all held within the same style box, just taking the theme one stage further.
All these boxes come with a wall fixing screw hole, and a pull out bar to make them free standing on a flat surface.
Traditional styles at knock-down (no pun intended) prices, just about sums up the SMK philosophy. As such it’s difficult to go wrong here, so their target selection comes highly recommended.
Knockdown Animal Silhouette Box/Catcher - £29.95
Pellet Trap with Reset Duck - £12.95
Training Knockdown Re-settable Silhouettes (rat/crow/rabbit etc) - £17.95
17cm Trumpet Pellet trap - £17.95
Paper Targets: in either 14cm or 17cm sizes and dependent upon design
per 100 pack - £4.25-£4.95
per 300 pack - £5.45-£7.95