Looking for something new to read? Check out these great Military books
A general rule of thumb for an author is to write about what one knows.
continue reading >When war broke out in August 1914 the widely-held consensus was that it would ‘all be over by Christmas’.
continue reading >The Last Boarding Party: The USMC and the SS Mayaguez 1975
continue reading >Sub-titled ‘F Section Britain’s Secret Women in France’ this book tells the stories of 40 women, some of whom are familiar to us such as Odette...
continue reading >Military Jeep; 1940 onwards (Ford, Willys and Hotchkiss)
continue reading >This work is the first title by the newly-formed publishing company of Military Mode
continue reading >First published in 2004 this re-issued work shows the level of interest readers have for the subject of military sniping.
continue reading >We each buy our ‘Poppy’ every year but how many people today give any thought to the significance and how the symbol came about?
continue reading >Derek Landers takes a look at the pinfire system and suggests that they deserve a little more recognition
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