The war in the Pacific was America’s longest and hardest fought campaign during WWII, beginning with...
continue reading >John Norris takes a detailed look at the scale of the American Civil War
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Mark Stone reports from an American Civil War Society at Tatton Hall
continue reading >This is another one of those books which came about quite by chance when a stash...
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Interest in American tanks and other vehicles used in WWII is second only to the German Army of the same period.
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Mark Stone delves into the history of the Winchester Company and finds an intriguing tale…
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When an author has a deep interest in his subject then any work produced will be well researched and presented in the best possible way.
continue reading >The author of this work is a highly experienced sniper and acknowledged expert, and shooters enjoy...
continue reading >When it comes to military history, the detail tends to focus on fighting the battles with...
continue reading >When we think of animals during WWII we tend to think of the obvious, such as...
continue reading >John Norris looks at the history of the incredibly versatile Bofors Gun
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In the first of a short series, Derek Landers untangles some of the complex UK firearms legislation that applies to the legitimate collector
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Some sound advice from Derek Landers on how to start out in this fascinating hobby
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Derek Landers looks at an Anvil converted ‘smokeless’ Uberti Remington 1858 revolver
continue reading >Derek Landers looks at a smokeless powder conversion for Uberti’s 1858 NMA black powder muzzleloading revolvers
continue reading >John Norris looks at the Vietnam War and those who portray the troops who fought in it…
continue reading >There have been many books written on this subject, but few can compare to the quality...
continue reading >DEREK LANDERS connects with the silver screen heroes of yesteryear with a Spanish reproduction of a smallbore rifle sometimes referred to as a ‘squirrel gun’…
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Derek Landers looks at the Ardesa 1871 Europa Duelling Pistol a modern generic reproduction of a firearm that settled –or prolonged –many a disagreement…
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Derek Lander takes a look at Ardesa’s reproduction of the legendary Hawken Flintlock Rifle…
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